Shaw Aby Emmet

Shaw was born 1995 in Malsch, Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. Childhood spent in Grotzingen, Karlsruhe.Adolescence in Queensland, Australia. He practised chemistry at the Australian National University in Canberra. Receiving first-class honours. He returned to Germany, Göttingen, Lower Saxony, to continue study but left to pursue a passion for clay. Afterwards, he moved to Mortenhampstead, Devon, United Kingdom and apprenticed to a master potter couple. Developed passion for wood-fired ceramics.Worked for a flowerpot factory in Whichford, Warwickshire, United Kingdom. Honed the technique for shaping clay. 

Came to Hong Kong to realise vision to found a woodfired ceramic art studio.

Shaw 1995 年出生於德國巴登符騰堡州卡爾斯魯厄的馬爾施。童年在卡爾斯魯厄的格羅青根度過,青少年時期在澳洲昆士蘭度過。在坎培拉的澳洲國立大學學習化學。獲得一等榮譽。他回到德國下薩克森州的哥廷根繼續學業,但因熱愛黏土而離開。之後,他搬到了英國德文郡的莫頓漢普斯特德,並拜一對陶藝大師夫婦為師。在英國沃里克郡 Whichford 的花盆工廠工作。磨練了塑造陶土的技術。


I'll begin by paraphrasing Ray Bradbury: an artist creates with intuitive feeling first and thinking comes after. The intellect is a corrective - if used excessively it can actually hinder.

To be human is to be in the middle of opposing forces. Either peacefully balanced or oscillating between two extremes. I've found the spectrum of duality not to be a straight line but a wheel.Not to get heavy, but I feel like I commune with higher powers at the wheel. In a state of playful, empty-minded mindfulness, I embody the motions of ancestral potters through the ages, satisfying the spirit. The historical imperative that led to the proliferation of ceramics is no longer with us. Nonetheless, burnt clay has found its niche and remains a fundamental building block in the material culture of today. 

Ceramic art speaks in an ancient language exalting the majesty of forms. The Chirophone is a machine built to transform the visual dimension of these artefacts into sound in a process of reverse synesthesia.

首先,我想引用雷-布拉德伯里(Ray Bradbury)的一句話:藝術家的創作首先是直覺,然後才是思考。智力是一種矯正器--如果過度使用,實際上會起到阻礙作用。


陶瓷藝術用一種古老的語言讚美形式的威嚴。 Chirophone是一台機器,透過逆向聯覺過程將這些工藝品的視覺維度轉化為聲音。



Liu Suyuan 劉素媛


Amy Tong 唐嘉欣