Suyuan Liu 劉素媛

Suyuan Liu is a multifaceted illustrator and interior designer with a passion for the patina of antiquity. Over the past two years, she has expanded her creative repertoire into the vintage industry, curating collections of classic fashion, nostalgic toys, and timeless cameras. Her artwork is a tribute to temporality, often reflecting on the passage of time. Currently, Suyuan is honing her craft as a master's student in Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University, where she seeks to deepen her understanding of visual storytelling and to further infuse her designs with historical richness.


Now-here, Nowhere is about the nebulous sense of the transient state of being, a dichotomy that has haunted the peripheries of my consciousness since childhood. Within the confines of my room, four walls stood as silent witnesses to the boundless realms I conjured from the ether of my solitude. My parents, ensnared by the relentless pace of their own lives, unwittingly cast me as the lone actor in my silent play, where under China's one-child policy rendered my reality a stage. The fluctuating scales of parental attention - sometimes smothering, often scarce - left indelible marks upon my early years, shaping a narrative that resonates with many of my peers.

In this project, I seek to crystallise the ephemeral nature of a childhood spent oscillating between the realms of abundant creativity and poignant loneliness. I invited an imaginary friend from my childhood back to the stage once more, who led me through mirrored corridors of self-reflection and silent conversations. These creations are not just a refuge from reality but a bridge between the 'now-here' of my imaginative sanctuary and the 'nowhere' of my physical isolation.

It is a story that does not belong wholly to either realm; it exists in the interstice.






Lin Rushan 林汝珊


SHAW Aby Emmet