Amy TONG 唐嘉欣

Amy Tong’s practice is entrenched in her extensive routine of personal documentation, from taking daily photographs and writing journal entries to collecting stress-induced nail pickings and safe-keeping her late grandparents’ possessions. Amalgamations of these documentations, her delicate multimedia experimentations in ceramic, paper, gelatine, textile, and paint—among others—reflect on trauma, myths, and matrilineal connections.

Tong received a B.A. from Arts University Bournemouth. She has had solo exhibitions at Square Street Gallery and RNH Space in Hong Kong (both 2021), as well as group presentations in Tokyo, Beijing, London, and Abu Dhabi. She is currently a postgraduate student at the Hong Kong Baptist University’s Academy of Visual Art.


唐氏於伯恩茅斯藝術大學獲得學士學位後,於2021年在香港 Square Street Gallery 和 RNH Space 舉辦個人展覽。她亦在在東京、北京、倫敦和阿布達比


As towering, dilapidated buildings loom overhead, your windows, like hollow, soulless eyes seem to follow the wary trespasser. A new structure has taken root, crawling up the sides of the concrete and reclaims this forgotten memory of the past. The wind keens over the barren and desolate hills, a mournful song that speaks of lives extinguished and dreams long since crumbled to dust. In the distance, the ominous silhouette of a creature stands. You yourself were carved from the same old tree, stained with the shadows of a bloody past. The restless spirit was watchful, groomed, programmed, and reprogrammed. Worn, Affects of a dark past lingered like echoes of bygone eras as the facility thrived. Each step felt heavier, as if the very ground were alive to drag the unwary down into its clutches. The only sounds were the moaning of critters and the occasional scurrying of unseen vermin.

“Haunted Landscape” features Amy Tong’s site-specific installation that includes a moving-image work, clear wax sculptures, and sound triggers. The video consists of a series of photographs, animation, scanned pages, and other footage. Accompanied by motion activated speakers and other sound activating devices triggered by the environment, the work explores fear, haunting and the dreading spectre of the past that controls not only our knowledge and social construct, but also over the senses and perceptions through urban legends pervasive on the campus.


Haunted Landscape 展示了唐氏的特定場地裝置作品,其中包括移動圖像作品、透明蠟和聲音觸發器。影片由一系列照片、動畫、掃描頁面和不同影像素材組成。伴隨由環境觸發啟動的揚聲器和發聲裝置,該作品探討了恐懼、鬧鬼和過去的可怕幽靈,這些幽靈不僅控制著我們的知識和社會建構,還透過校園中普遍存在的都市傳說控制著人們的感官和認知。



SHAW Aby Emmet


Yoky Wong 王怡展