Feng Xianghuai 馮相淮

Growing up within the modern innovations of Shenzhen, Feng has developed a strong interest in technologies and new media. Graduating from Tsinghua University with a Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering, he made the switch to  visual arts as his postgraduate major in order to satiate his creativity. He focuses on delivering messages via a variety of techniques, including videos, photographs, audio, and text in his work, aiming to provide a humorous, complex, and unique experience to the audience.


“HTHTH” is a guide for the passengers staying stable while not having a seat on the speeding trains - any kind of trains: those that run underground or those on the surface of the earth, or those going via the internet and those carrying people for about 70 years, all at the pace of the increasing speed of everyday life.

HTHTH: 一份為想要在沒有空位的車廂裡保持平衡的市民們準備的指南。包括各種類型的車廂:地底下的、地面跑的、網絡上的、還有那種載客平均約莫七十年的「人生列車」。



Deng Ailing (Irene) 鄧愛鈴


Feng Xiaoguo 馮曉果