Ann Yan Han 嚴寒

Yan Han specialises in visual arts, modelling techniques, and VR. She thinks that in the virtual world, she can re-interpret the real world, but also transcend reality. She believes that VR is a very new and popular field that connects artists and audiences. She uses her professional knowledge, imagination, and personal experience to create an immersive virtual world, so that the audience can personally experience the artistic world .

嚴寒擅長視覺藝術、建模技術和VR。 她富有創造力和好奇心,她認為在虛擬世界中,她可以重新詮釋現實世界,也可以超越現實地創作。 她認為VR是一個非常新的和流行的領域,也是連結藝術家和觀眾的一個很好的媒介。 她運用自己的專業知識和想像力,結合自己的經驗,創造了一個身臨其境的虛擬世界,讓觀眾親身體驗她想要表達的意境。

There will always be different space-times in this universe, right? I looked up at the stars and thought of infinity. The land I walked on - the mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas I saw, the stories and regrets I experienced will eventually disappear into the vast universe with the passage of time, but how would they be interpreted in another parallel time and space? I put on the virtual glasses in the narrow space, in hopes of reaching the expanse. I use the virtual space, record the world I like, and fantasise about another time and space.

「這個宇宙總會存在不同的時空吧?」 我仰望宇宙中閃閃發光的星星,這樣無邊無際地想。 我踏過的土地,我所見到的山河湖海,我所經歷的故事和遺憾,最終都會隨著時間的推移,消失在我的記憶裡,消失在浩瀚的宇宙中,但是這些在另一個平行時空,又會有怎樣的演繹呢?戴上虛擬眼鏡在狹小的空間,伸手去觸碰廣闊的天地。 這個作品是關於我將我喜歡的世界刻下永恆的影子,又幻想著另一個時空的樣子。



Xiao Zuwen 肖祖雯


Zhang Yue (Yue) 張越