Lai Yudan 來雨丹

Lai Yudan is an interdisciplinary artist with a Bachelor's degree in Product Design from Hangzhou Dianzi University and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Visual Arts at the Hong Kong Baptist University. She focuses on exploring the relationship between human, nature, and technology. She aims to bridge the gap between the natural world and technological advancements through her creative work.

來雨丹是一位善於觀察生活和探索新事物的藝術家。她的作品深入探討自然環境、感官體驗和科學技術之間複雜而多維的關係。作為一名戶外運動愛好者,她從大自然中汲取活力,在森林中感受到大自然的力量,並與鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物建立了深厚的聯繫。她的作品融合了 “花園療法”、“自然療法”、“生態心理學 ”和 “後人文主義 ”等各種理論,探索未來科技與自然共生的可能性。通過技術手段,她創造了 “未來自然 ”的願景,引發人們對自然環境與技術進步融合的思考。她的藝術旨在激發人們對自然與技術和諧共存的深入思考。

The bond between humans and nature has always been innate, yet urbanisation has weakened this vital connection. I draw inspiration from the ways in which humans and nature coexist, integrating my diverse artistic background to explore the intersections of biosensing technology and future nature. Gardens, as creations symbolising the spirit of Romanticism, serve as places where humans establish order and reconnect with nature, soothing both body and mind.

I envision integrating biosensing technology into future gardens to create highly personalised spaces with a strong sense of self-awareness. In these spaces, plants connect with us, responding to our physical activities as if they were symbiotic partners. This approach aims to construct a new ecological connection between humans and nature, fostering a novel form of emotional exchange.

In my artistic practice, I aim to demonstrate how technology can be used to create a future where humans and nature thrive together. Through interactive installations, I seek to provoke thought and invite viewers to consider the possibility of a world where technological progress does not come at the expense of nature but rather enhances our understanding and appreciation of it. Through this exploration, I hope to contribute to the dialogue about a harmonious future for ecology and technology.



在我的藝術實踐中,我旨在展示如何利用科技來創造人類與自然共同繁榮的未來。透過創作的互動裝置來 引起觀眾的思考。我想邀請觀眾思考這樣一個世界的可能性:科技進步不以犧牲自然為代價,反而會增進我們對自然的理解和欣賞。透過這種探索,我希望能為生態與科技和諧未來的對話做出貢獻。



Jules Li Yize 李宜澤


Jessi Liang Xiao 梁曉